Implant Dentures 

Looking for an alternative to traditional dentures? Our implant dentures in San Diego, California, may be the solution. This procedure is done in-house by our qualified dentist. For more information on your options for implant dentures and other forms of restoration,  make an appointment with North Park Smiles at (619) 220-0548

If you are looking for a stable, lasting solution for multiple missing teeth, our dentist may recommend implant-supported dentures. Implant-retained dentures are very similar in form to traditional dentures; however, they are stabilized by dental implants. Very often, denture wearers complain that dentures become loose and “float” around the mouth, limiting their ability to eat and speak comfortably. Implant dentures are a cost-effective solution, and in many cases, we can even retrofit an existing denture with implants. 

The first step in anchoring your denture with dental implants is the placement of the implants. The dental implants, which are similar in appearance to screws, are surgically inserted into the jawbone in order to securely anchor your denture. While the specific number of implants required will depend on your individual needs, most cases require four to six dental implants per denture. Once the implants have been placed and allowed sufficient healing time, your denture is attached on top. Implants provide your denture with exceptional stability. In fact, many patients report that their implant-retained dentures feel and function like their natural teeth. 


If you would like more information about implant-supported dentures or wish to schedule your next visit with our dentist, we welcome you to call or visit our office today. 

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Implant Dentures: Benefits and Advantages 

  • Comfort and Stability:Implant Dentures are firmly anchored into your jawbone and eliminate the shifting and slipping associated with traditional dentures. You can eat, talk, and smile confidently, knowing your dentures are firmly secured without adhesives.
  • Natural Feel and Look:Implant dentures are designed to look and feel like natural teeth. They provide a comfortable and natural fit. The dentures are designed to match your natural teeth in color and shape, giving you an attractive and seamless smile.
  • Jawbone Preservation:Implant dentures have the ability to stimulate and preserve the jawbone. The jawbone may begin to deteriorate with time when teeth are missing. Dental implants stimulate the bone, preventing further bone loss.
  • Improved Oral Health:Dentures that are traditional can trap bacteria and food, causing gum irritation. Implant dentures promote better oral hygiene because they are easier to maintain and clean. They also help to preserve your natural teeth's health because they do not rely on the neighboring teeth as support.
  • Better Chewing and SpeakingThanks to the improved stability of implant dentures you can eat a wider variety of foods and talk more clearly. This can improve your overall health and nutrition.

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The Implant Denture Procedure 

  1. Initial Evaluation and Consultation:The journey begins at North Park Smiles with a thorough consultation. Our dental team will perform a comprehensive examination of your oral and jaw health. This may include X-rays or a CT scan to determine the condition of your bone and if you're a good candidate for implant dentures. We will talk about your expectations, discuss any concerns and create a customized treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs.
  2. Planning and Preparation:Using the results of your evaluation, we'll create a plan that is specific to your implant placement. If there is not enough bone density, we may need to perform additional procedures like bone grafting. Our advanced imaging allows us to plan and place the implants precisely, ensuring that the best outcome is achieved.
  3. Implant Placement Surgery:Next, the implants are surgically placed into the jawbone. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia. Sedation options are also available to ensure your comfort. The implants are placed strategically to support your dentures optimally. The implants must be allowed to heal for osseointegration, which is the process of integrating the implants with the bone.
  4. Osseointegration and Healing:The recovery period can range from a few weeks to six months depending on the individual case you have and the number of implants you've had placed. During this period, the implants fuse with the jawbone and provide a solid foundation for dentures. You may receive temporary dentures for you to wear as your mouth heals.
  5. Placement of Abutments:After the implants have integrated successfully with the bone, the abutments are attached. These abutments are used to attach your dentures.
  6. Denture Fabrication and Impressions:Your mouth will be photographed to create custom-made dentures. These impressions will be used by our dental lab to create dentures that are both comfortable and natural-looking. The dentures have been designed to fit comfortably and securely on the abutments.
  7. Adjustments and Fitting:Once your dentures are complete, you'll return to North Park Smiles. We will make sure that your implant dentures are comfortable and functional. We will make any necessary adjustments to ensure a perfect fit.
  8. Maintenance and Follow-up:Regular check-ups are necessary to monitor your implant dentures. The longevity of your dentures is dependent on proper care and maintenance. This includes good oral hygiene and regular dental checks. Our team will give you instructions on how to maintain your new smile. We'll also schedule regular appointments to ensure that your oral health is in tip-top condition.

Why Choose North Park Smiles Implant Dentures for Implant Dentures 

  • Experience and Expertise:North Park Smiles' team is highly experienced in the field. Our team has a track record of successfully implanting dentures, so you can be assured that you will receive the best care.
  • Personalized treatment:We recognize that each patient is different. Our treatment is customized to your needs and preferences. This ensures a pleasant and satisfying experience.
  • Latest Dental Technology:Our team uses the most advanced dental technologies to provide precise and efficient treatments. Our advanced imaging tools and surgical instruments allow for optimal placement of implants and the best possible results.
  • Comprehensive care:North Park Smiles offers comprehensive care from your initial consultation through to your final fitting. Our team will be there to help you at every stage.
  • Patient Satisfaction and Comfort:We place the highest priority on your comfort and satisfaction. We aim to create an environment that is welcoming and relaxing so you feel comfortable during your treatment.

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What Our Patients Are Saying 

Read Patient Reviews 

The staff and the dentist were so friendly, welcoming and good-hearted, they made my trip to the dentist a wonderful experience! And, as one without insurance, they are very reasonably priced. - Echo

The staff are nice and friendly. Dr. Diaz is great. He listen to what u want and try his hardest to accomplished it

- Ana

Dr. Diaz is really nice, the staff is amazing and my son enjoys his monthly visit.

I feared he would dislike it. That's how great everyone treats him!

- Jagger

ADDRESS: 3638 El Cajon Blvd, San Diego, CA 92104


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